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Seymour (S. E.) Bottex

( Haitian, 1922 - 2016 )

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Seymour Bottex was born in Port Margot, near Cap-Haitian, on Christmas day, 1920.  Bottex began his artistic career in 1955, encouraged by his older brother, artist Jean Baptiste Bottex.


In 1961 Bottex joined the Centre d'Art. He painted in the atelier of the Gallerie Issa.

Published in

Herbert Gold explains in his book, Haiti: Best Nightmare of Earth

Nadal, Marie-Jose and Gerald Bloncourt. 1986. La Peinture Haitienne, Haitian Arts. Paris: Editions Nathan



2012 Haitian Art : Old Masters and New Visions, Indigo Art Gallery, Philadelphia

2005 Rencontres et Retrouvailles dans l’art Naïfs : Brazil – Haiti

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