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Madsen Monpremier

( Haitian, born 1952 )

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Madsen Mompremier was born in Gonaives, Haiti on August 12, 1952. He was married to Erzulien, a community worker who later became an artist.

 In 1972, Madsen Mompremier came to Port-au-Prince, where he worked as a tailor.  In 1973 he started to paint as a student of Gerard Valcin. Originally, Mompremier painted delightful scenes of everyday Haitian life, peasants in their villages and cane fields. Around 1975 he found a style which he has now been refining for more than thirty years; painting Voudou Gods with great majesty and precision.

 Since 1979, he has exhibited his work in Italy, France and the United States. In 1982 he had two shows at the Haitian Art Co. - one of his own work and one featuring a sculpture collaboration with Nacius Joseph.

 Mompremier lives in Florida.



2012 Kafou: Haiti, Art and Vodou.  Nottingham Contemporary


Permanent Collections

Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas


Published in

Farquharson, Alex and Leah Gordon Kafou: Haiti, Art and Vodou.  2012. Nottingham Contemporary. Nottingham, England.

Nadal, Marie-Jose and Gerald Bloncourt. 1986. La Peinture Haitienne, Haitian Arts. Paris: Editions Nathan

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