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Levoy Exil

( Haitian, born 1944 )

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Levoy Exil is one of the most prominent artist and co- founder of the Saint Soleil Art movement. Revealed to the world by Andre' Malraux in 1975, the art movement becomes world famous. Levoy Exil is one of Seldon Rodman' s favorite painters and he dedicates large part of a chapter of his book "Where Art is Joy" to the artist. Levoy paintings are abstract and surrealistic, throughout dots, lines and intense colors the Loas and Spirits are disclosed. "I reveal the forms, colors and lines of the Loas, figures with slanted eyes and long arms, who guide and protect us. They inspire my art. I depict an invisible world where doves, spirits and stars form a colorful mosaic representing the connection between the real and the spiritual, the fecundity of Nature, the conciliation of the soul and the body. The spirits of the Sun have entrusted me with a mission. My art highlights the timelessness and the immortality of life.”- Levoy Exil  

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