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Celestin Faustin

( Haitian, 1948 - 1981 )

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Faustin, Celestin (1948 – 1981)


Celestin Faustin was born in La Fond, Haiti, a mountain village above Jacmel, in 1948. He named for his grandmother, Celestina, a practitioner of vodou who was an important influence in his life. Wilmino Domond took Celestin Faustin as an apprentice when he was 19 years old to train him. Faustin learned quickly and established himself independently.

 He died tragically in 1981 (age 33).




2012 Kafou: Haiti, Art and Vodou.  Nottingham Contemporary

2022 "Milk of Dreams" Biennale di Venezia  -Italy


Permanent Collections

Spencer Museum of Art, The University of Kansas



Published in

Farquharson, Alex and Leah Gordon Kafou: Haiti, Art and Vodou.  2012. Nottingham Contemporary. Nottingham, England.

Gerald Alexis  Peintres Haitiens Editions Cercle d’Art   Paris 2000

Marie-Jose Nadal  Gerald Bloncourt  La peiture Haitienne   Haitian Arts   Editions : Nathan, Paris 2000

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