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André Normil

( Haitian, 1934 - 2014 )

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Self-taught, Haitian primitive master, André Normil was born in Haiti On September 26 1934 and died on May 2, 2014. He joined the Centre d'Art in 1951. For decades, he worked in a small room on the ground floor of the Galerie Issa on the Rue du Chile in Port-au-Prince. Normil is married to the painter Francoise Elliassaint.His works often showcased scenes of Hatian festivals, rural lifen and symbolic themes as Noah' s Artk, Paradise, and Carnival, using bold colors and meticulous composition. He habitually puts three dots in a triangular pattern near his signature. The dots shows that he is a freemason. Hia art was widely exhibited in United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy.

Some of his pieces are part of the permanent collection at the Milwaukee Art Museum, Wisconsin.

Publications: Nadal, Marie-Jose and Gerald Bloncourt 1986.

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