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Louisianne Saint-Fleurant

( Haitian, born 1922 )

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Louisiane St. Fleurant was born on September 11, 1922, in Petit-Trou-de-Nippes. She was age 50 when she came to Soissons la Montagne to cook for the Saint Soleil group. She was one of the founding members of the celebrated Saint-Soleil community of artists in Soisson-la-Montagne, along with Prospere Pierre-Louis, Dieuseul Paul, Denis Smith, and Levoy Exil.  Saint Fleurant was known for her clay sculptures as well as her paintings. She eventually left in 1978, becoming a cook again and painting on the side.


She was the mother of Saint-Soleil artists Magda Magloire, Ramphis Magloire and the late Stivenson Magloire.


Louisiane St. Fleurant passed away on June 1st, 2005.




2012 Kafou: Haiti, Art and Vodou.  2012. Nottingham Contemporary.

 2014-2015 Grand Palais de Paris Deux Siecles de Creation Artistique . Paris - France



Published in

Farquharson, Alex and Leah Gordon Kafou: Haiti, Art and Vodou.  2012. Nottingham Contemporary. Nottingham, England.

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