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Jean René Jérome

( Haitian, 1942 - 1991 )

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Jerome was born in Petit-Goave on March, 1942. Jean-Rene's family belonged to the elite of Haitian society, which enabled him to become an actor, singer and a dancer.  He moved to Port-au-Prince where he attended the "Petit Seminaire College Saint Martial" and later the "College Moderne."


He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Port-au-Prince. In 1963, he became a "regular" at the Brochette Galerie.  Two years later in 1965, he won first prize in the Esso Salon Competition.  In1968, he decided to devote himself entirely to painting and opened a studio in Port-Au-Prince.


In 1970, he visited the USA; a year later he returned to the USA and stayed there for four months, studying and working with Bernard Sejourne’. From 1973 to 1975 he taught fine arts at the school of Fine Arts in Port-au-Prince. He founded the School of Beauty with B. Sejourne’, Legagneur and Dodard. In 1985, he founded the "Ateliers Jerome" where his own paintings and the work of other artists are exhibited.

 Jerome belongs to the School of Beauty

 Jean Rene Jerome died suddenly in 1991.


Published in

Nadal, Marie-Jose and Gerald Bloncourt. 1986. La Peinture Haitienne, Haitian Arts. Paris: Editions Nathan

Alexis Gerald    Peintres Haitiens   Editions Cercle d’Art  Paris 2000

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