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Audes Saul

( Haitian, 1949 - )

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Audes Saul was born on May 25, 1949 in the Northwest of Haiti, at Bombardopolis, near Mole St. Nicolas, where Christopher Columbus landed in 1492. His father was a farmer and his mother a marchande. Orphaned at age 16, he left for Port-Au-Prince two years later. He learned cabinet-making and was the maintenance man for the Evangelist Mission. His brother Charles, was a painter, but Audes says he was not influenced by him.


He began to paint in 1970, beginning with rural scenes. In 1974 he began to paint dogs, a species that he loves. In 1975 several of his paintings were chosen by Andre Malraux and Jean-Marie Drot for an exhibition in Paris and Auxerre, and were reproduced for an article in Vogue magazine.

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