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Andre Pierre

( Haitian, 1914 - 2005 )

View works on Artnet and our Haitian Art Gallery

André Pierre was born in around 29 July 1914 Port-au-Prince. In 1930, he moved to Croix-des-Missions, on the outskirts of the capital, with an uncle which was a farmer and an active vodou practitioner. Here in about 1947 he was introduced to American writer film-maker Maya Deren, who had admired his temple wall paintings. She introduced Pierre to the Centre d' Art. His paintings are characterized by vivd colors and rich symbolism reflecting Vodou Loas, rituals and mythology. His work is seen as a bridge between religious practise and visual storytelling.

Andre Pierre is regarded as one of Haiti's most iconic artists. Permanent collections: Davenport Museum in Iowa Milwaukee Museum of Art Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, and Ramapo College, Mahwah, New Jersey.

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