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Pierre Joseph Valcin

( Haitian, 1925 - 2000 )

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Pierre-Joseph Valcin (sometimes listed as Pierre Joseph) was born in Port-au-Prince in 1925-7 (exact year unknown). His father was a bus driver and his mother a seamstress.  Valcin was raised by the mother of painter Gerard Valcin.  He worked as a mechanic, a stone mason, and a plumber before becoming a painter. Valcin began to paint after he was introduced to the Centre d’Art by his half-brother, the late painter Gerard Valcin, in 1959. He joined the center in 1966.  Gerard Valcin instructed Pierre-Joseph for his first year at the Centre d’Art.

 He is the father of painters Favrance Valcin and 'Valcin II.'


Valcin is considered one of the most significant of Haiti's second generation painters.


Permanent Collections

Musée d’Art Haitien du College Saint Pierre in Port-au-Prince

The Davenport Museum of Art, Iowa

The Waterloo Museum of Art, Iowa

The New Orleans Museum of Art


Published in

Nadal, Marie-Jose and Gerald Bloncourt. 1986. La Peinture Haitienne, Haitian Arts. Paris: Editions Nathan

Art Naif, Art Vodou (1988)

Dialogue du Réel et de l’Imaginaire (1990)

Haiti: Actualities and Belief (Roche, 1990)

Island on Fire (Demme, 1997).

Stebich, Ute. A Haitian Celebration: Art and Culture. Milwaukee: Milwaukee Art Museum, 1992

Alexis, Gerard  2000 Peintres Haitiens  Paris Editions Cercle d’Art

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