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Andree Naude
( Belgian, 1903 - 2003 )
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Andrée Naudé was born in Belgium in 1904. She studies classics in Paris where she also studies painting. In 1931 she moved to Haiti. She established the Atelier de la Tete de l'Eau in 1944 with other women painters in Haiti - Tamara Baussan, Marie-José Nadal et Michèle Manuel. Naudé was part of the founding of the Centre d’art in 1944.
Between 1928 and 1931 Naudé exhibited in numerous galleries in Paris and Greece. In 1978, her one woman show of fifty years of painting was show in Montreal.
Published in
Nadal, Marie-Jose and Gerald Bloncourt. 1986. La Peinture Haitienne, Haitian Arts. Paris: Editions Nathan
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